The author of Sunday Stories, Pamela Mclean, grants permission to parents, clergy and children's ministers to use, reprint, republish, adapt and distribute these Sunday Stories pages, provided that the copyright, the authorship, and the influence from Godly Play, are credited.

*(Late Year B leading up to...) **Year C*** Year B Proper 18: Wisdom Year B Proper 20: The Refugee who became Queen Year B Proper 21: Mordecai saves the King Year B Proper 22: Esther saves her People Year A Thanksgiving: The Tabernacle Year B Proper 24: Job 1.1 – 42:17 Job Year B Proper 25: Woman Of Valour Year B All Saints Day: Mary, Martha and Lazarus Year B Proper 27: Ruth The Story of Ruth Year B Proper 28: Hannah's Prayer Year B Christ The King: Samuel and Eli Year C Advent 1: The Circle of the Church Year Year Year C Advent 2: Malachi the Prophet Year C Advent 3: The Holy Family Year C Advent 4: Pageant Year C Christmas 1: Carols and Lessons Year C Christmas 2 (Epiphany): Kings From Far Away Visit Jesus Year C Epiphany 1: The Baptism of Jesus Year C Epiphany 2: A Wedding at Cana Year C Epiphany 3: Return to the Promise Year C Candlemas: Baby Jesus in the Temple Year C Transfiguration Sunday: Jesus, Moses and Elijah Year C Lent 1: Temptation in the Desert Year C Lent 2: the Promised Land Year C Lent 3: the Parable of a Fig Tree) Year C Lent 4: the Prodigal Son Year C Lent 5: The triumphant Entry Year C Lent 6: Jesus Dies Year C Easter Year C Easter 2: Jesus Appears to His Disciples Year C Easter 3: Barbecue by the Sea Year C Easter 4: Jesus, the Good Shepherd Year C Easter 5: Peter's vision Year C Easter 6: Paul's vision Year C Easter 7: The Ascension Year C Pentecost: Pentecost Year C Trinity Sunday: The Trinity Year C Proper 4: The Temple of God (coming soon!) Year C Proper 5: The Widow of Zarapeth Year C Proper 6: Elijah and The Priests Of Baal Year C Proper 7: God Speaks in the Silence Year C Proper 8: Elijah and Elisha
*(late Year C, leading up to...) **YEAR A*** Year C Proper 19: Parable of the Lost (Reunion Sunday) Year C Proper 20: The Dishonest Servant Year C Proper 21: Jeremiah (Story Bundle) Year C Proper 22: Rivers of Babylon Year C Proper 23: Jacob and Esau Year C Proper 24: Jacob, Rachel and Leah Year C Proper 25: Jacob Wrestles Year C Proper 26: Zacchaeus Year C Proper 27: Year C Proper 28: Malachi Year C Reign of Christ - Proper 29: Jesus the Good Shepherd Year C Advent 1A: The Circle of the Church Year Year C Advent 2A: First Isaiah Year C Advent 3A: The Holy Family Year A Advent 4: *Pageant* Year A Christmas 1A (Epiphany observed): Kings from Far Away Visit Jesus Year A Epiphany 1: The Baptism of Jesus Year A Epiphany 2: Andrew brings his brother to Jesus Year A Epiphany 2: Fishers of Men Year A Epiphany 4: Baby Jesus in the Temple Year A Epiphany 5: Isaiah Year A Epiphany 6: The Law -- *storyboards* Year A Epiphany 7B: A New Commandment Year A Transfiguration : Jesus, Moses and Elijah Year A Lent 1: Adam and Eve Year A Lent 2: Abraham and Sarah Year A Lent 3: The Woman At the Well Year A Lent 4: Samuel anoints David Year A Lent 5: The Triumphant Entry Year A Palm Sunday : Jesus Dies Year A Easter Year A Easter 2: Jesus Appears to His Disciples Year A Easter 3: The Road to Emmaus Year A Easter 4: Jesus, the Good Shepherd Year A Easter 5: Stephen the Martyr Year A Easter 6: Paul the Missionary Year A Easter 7: The Ascension Year A Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Enters Year A Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Year A Proper 6: Sarah Laughed 66 Year A Proper 7: Hagar and Ishmael
***Genesis*** Genesis 2:15-3:15 Adam and Eve Genesis 17:1-16 Abraham and Sarah Year A Proper 26: Crossing the Jordan
***Exodus*** Exodus 7:13-12.31: God rescues the children of Israel Exodus 13.17-14-31: Crossing the Reed Sea Exodus 20:1-20 The Law Exodus 33:12-23 Looking upon the Glory of God
***Numbers*** Numbers 21:4-9 The Bronze Snake
***Deuteronomy*** Deuteronomy 8:7-18 The Tabernacle Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Life of Moses
***Joshua*** Joshua 3:7-17 Crossing the Jordan
***Ruth*** Ruth The Story of Ruth
***I Samuel*** 1 Samuel 1:1-20 Hannah's Prayers 1 Samuel 1:21-2:11, 3:1-21Samuel and Eli
***II Samuel***
***I Kings*** 1 Kings 17:8-24: The Widow of Zarapeth 1 Kings 18: Elijah and The Priests Of Baal 1 Kings 19: God Speaks in the Silence
***II Kings*** 2 Kings 2:1-12 Elijah and Elisha
***Esther*** Esther 1.1-2.18 The Refugee who became Queen Esther 2.19 Mordecai saves the King Esther 3.1 Esther Saves Her People
***Job*** Job 1.1 – 42:17 Job
***Proverbs*** Proverbs 1:20-23 Wisdom Proverbs 31:10-31 Woman of Valour
***Ezekiel*** Ezekiel 34:11-16: The Shepherd-King
***Malachi*** Malachi the Prophet
***Matthew*** Matthew 4:12-23 Fishers of Men Matthew 4:26-34 The Parable of the Mustard Seed Matthew 20:1-16 Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard Matthew 21:23-32 Parable of the Two Sons Matthew 25:1-13 Parable of the wise and foolish virgins Matthew 25:14-30 The parable of the talents
***Mark*** Mark 1:4-12 The Baptism of Jesus Mark 1:9-15Jesus' Ministry Begins Mark 4:35-41 Jesus Quiets the Storm Mark 9:2-9 Jesus, Moses and Elijah
***Luke*** Luke 2: 1-7 The Holy Family Luke 2:8-12 Kings From Far Away Visit Jesus Luke 2:22-40 Baby Jesus in the Temple
***John*** John 1:43-51 The Disciple Under a Fig Tree John 2:1-11 A Wedding at Cana John 10:11-18 Jesus, the Good Shepherd John 11:1-4 Mary, Martha and Lazarus John 12:12-16 The triumphant Entry John 15:9-17A New Commandment John 18 & 19 Jesus Dies John 20:19-31 Jesus Appears to His Disciples
***Acts*** Acts 1.1-8 The Ascension Acts 2:1-20 Pentecost Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Official -- coming soon!
***Romans*** Romans 8:12-17 The Trinity