Lub Dubh

(Black Pudding)

Purchase excellent Black Pudding ready-made at MacEwan Meats, 17-9620 Elbow Dr SW; Calgary, AB T2V 1M2. In this case you can skip directly to cooking the made pudding.

4 cups blood

Let the blood run into deep pan, and when cold add the salt.

1 tablespoon salt

1 ¼ cups milk

Add to salted blood

3 medium onions, chopped

12 oz shredded suet

2 oz oatmeal

pinch nutmeg

half teaspoon mixed mint, coriander, or other spices to taste

half teaspoon cayenne pepper

Prepared casing(s)

put into prepared skins or into a large ovenproof dish, or basin

Steam tightly covered for ninety minutes, then leave it to go cold,

To cook Black Pudding

Slices of Black Pudding 1cm thick

Heat a heavy frying pan to “Low”. Gently fry slices, covered, for 25 minutes; then turn and sear five minutes on the other side.