Logrus Etiquette: The Bridal Party

The Bridal Party

A maiden marrying from her mother's home should choose a maid of honour of a similar age, with whom she can share intimate confidences. An independent spinster who is planning her own wedding should choose as matron of honour a senior woman who has previously planned a wedding or who has entertained formally; who can affirm the bride's wiser decisions and advise her of her less wise decisions. In either case, the honour attendant should be a dear and trusted friend. In selecting gowns for herself and her attendants, a bride should consider that they will for some time be standing with their backs to the congregation. Thus, the gowns should incorporate significant design interest on the back, as well as the front: A train, bows, flounces, and appliques are such examples. The bride's mother, in fact anyone not in the actual wedding party, must be considered wise enough to choose her own apparel. In general, attendants provide their own apparel, according with the bride's wishes. A thoughtful bride therefor chooses no dress for her maids that proves unflattering, or impractical for later wear. Often the honour attendant is dressed differently from the other maids, and indeed all may be dressed differently, their costumes linked only by some consistency in design or colour. All gentlemen in a wedding party properly dress alike.

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