The Prime Directive

2: Spock attempts to escape from the ANWPP who have grabbed him, and Ghost who is sitting on him Ghost feels him shifting, and increases her weight to max (1600 Kg). Spock rolls 13 BODY (on 12 dice), vs. 5 and 4 for the ANWPP (breaking their grips), but not exceeding Ghost’s 13 (also on 12D6). He remains restrained.

The Tompkins Interview

Dr. Tompkins is run through the Arrest Processing Unit, and then taken to a secure interview room. A short time later a woman enters.

The Final Frontier

FADE-IN Long shot, exterior, business hotel & conference centre in Long Beach, CA Sign reads “Hollywood Memorabilia Auction Today”

Alberta Bound

We see Parliament Hill, in Ottawa, around sunset. The Peace Tower is silhouetted against the sky. Inside, the Emergency Cabinet is seated around a conference table.

The Gorman Strikes Back

  1. Gallowglas runs into the Control Room, and says to Stick “Where do you want the mattress?”

Teaser -- Everyone keeps their head

  1. Gallowglas enters Agni’s cell, picks him up, and runs towards the stairs.

North of sixty, A New Hope

3 (delay). Squad D stands up, and shoots at Alphonse. D-1..3 hit 2x, D-4..5 missed, D-6 hit 1x.


  1. Slammer, who is flashed, pre-empts to Dodge, and raises his Force Field.

In The Stairwell


Our opening panel shows a raised-roof van parked on busy street. We can see the dome of the Legislature in the distance, placing the scene in Edmonton. It is the middle of a working day, and people are breaking for lunch.

A Giant Robot

  1. Gallowglas scowls at the electric field on the robot. She turns her attention to the camera drone that has been following her. She runs up to a point just under it, and throws her dagger at it. It falls from the sky and lies at her feet, its servos twitching ineffectively. She symbolically stomps on it.

The Riot at Harry Hayes

From last night’s gaming session. As usual, please let me know if I’ve missed anything, soliloquies in particular.

Tompkins First Day at SOLITAIRE

Dallas Williams enters the SOLITAIRE Medical Facility — currently housed in a repurposed shipping container. “Are you ready for your first day?” he asks Dr. Tompkins.

Captain Awesome Arrives

For quite some time our heroes have known about a symposium sponsored by the Provincial Government on “Law Enforcement in the Age Of Superpowers”, scheduled for the Tuesday after Labour Day in Red Deer. The keynote speaker is none other than Captain Awesome, the famous American superhero, who has considerable experience in battling super-villians on the US eastern seaboard. His battles with his arch nemesis Captain Napalm are legendary.

The Slammer Files 1.1

–From Mike Hammer’s working notes– Proposed security system upgrade:

Note: Leave any existing security system in place as a decoy. Concal new system, at least from casual observation.

The Slammer Files 1.0


Interior, Mike’s office. Close shot, Mike’s desk. A deck of cards is dealt out for Solitaire.

Agni Pays A Visit

An elevator door opens in an office building. A young man gets out, walks in through the main doors of an insurance company, and, exchanging nods with the receptionist proceeds into the office. Through the window beyond we see the North Saskatchewan river valley, the High Level Bridge, and a bit of the dome of the Ledge.

Valentina Asimovna

Our first panel shows a woman in her late twenties from the waist up, dressed in exercise attire, jogging down the Bow River Pathway on a sunny (and not particularly smokey) August afternoon. She checks her fitness wristband, and steps up the pace. As she passes people they turn to look, with thought bubbles saying “Is that …?”

Griswold's Evil Plot Revealed

Sirens can be heard in the distance, as Stick, Jazz, Tia and Ghost arrive in the SUV. After a quick look around, they head into the back yard. Jazz is limping, and massaging out a nasty Charlie Horse. Stick walks over to Polly, who has just found Griswold’s pouch of zip ties, and is gleefully hog-tying him.

Dr. Tompkins, meet Ellesmir Island

Dr. Ryan Francis enters the Executive Suite of Peterborough Pharmaceuticals. The receptionist looks up. “Mr. Layton is expecting you, Dr. Francis, go right in.” He proceeds to the inner office.

The Battle of the Backyard

A brief SITREP:

Polly had nightmares, got up a bit after midnight and went to work out in the Danger Room. Stick was there. She got “lost in reverie”, and then suddenly disappeared from the Secret Basement, teleporting to the safe house where Agatha and the Brat Pack are sequestered. She finds Clark W. Griswold and his band of merry power-armoured men sneaking in to kidnap one of the brats.

At Loose Ends

Polly and Green continue to work on the shelter belt. Polly lectures anyone who will listen on the virtues of Saskatoons and Apples; of layering tree plantations of differing heights to provide effective windbreaking, and of the sad deficit of decent shelter belts south of Red Deer.

Subject Charlie

We see Clark W. Griswold and his team at an airport car rental booth. They have much baggage including several large trunks. They get the keys to their rental van, load up, and drive away (two man lifts on the trunks).

The Brat Pack discovered

“She’s raising 5 kids?”, one of the men asks, rhetorically. Another, looking up from his laptop, chimes in with “School records show her as their legal guardian. They’re foster children, but their parents are all still alive and not in jail, so why are they in foster care?”

Griswold discovers Agatha

Griswold and his team are meeting in their hotel room. “We’ve got a few days data from the GPS trackers on the Wheeler family vehicles, and I’ve found a very interesting anomaly”, says one of the men.

Peterborough Pharmaceuticals

The first panel shows a typical low-rise, suburban office building, situated on nice grounds with greenspace, a pond, some trees, etc. There is a prominent sign, reading Peterborough Pharmaceuticals.

Through the Eyes of a Gnat

A flashback scene from the latest issue:

Exterior of Parliament Centre Block. The Peace Tower soars against a deep blue sky. The birds are singing, and it is a beautiful summers day.

The Miyati Document

Weekly Summary (PMO Letterhead, “Confidential, Cabinet Eyes Only”)

SENTINEL is on track for field trials next week. They recommend testing in a friendly locale, e.g. Ontario or Quebec. If no issues are found production can begin Sept 1. (Handwritten note: proceed at first opportunity, regardless of locale)

The House of Commons Protective Detail

We’re back in the parliamentary conference room. Present are Harbour, Kenty and MacKay, who are talking with Redcoat, Electron, Canopener and The Librarian.

Meet the Mighty Gnat

the bad guys have been scraped off the pavement by CPS and hauled off to jail. They are not sure what to do about Ghost Rider, they know nothing about securing suspects that can walk through walls.


We’re back in the parliamentary conference room. Present are Harper, Kenny and MacKay, who are talking with Redcoat, Electron, Canopener and The Librarian.

Through the Eyes of a Gnat

A flashback scene from the latest issue:

Exterior of Parliament Centre Block. The Peace Tower soars against a deep blue sky. The birds are singing, and it is a beautiful summers day.

DEADEYE doesn't always get his man

The parade is over, and the crowd disperses. CPS has hauled off the four miscreants. Cleanup crews begin their work. High overhead, some 5 stories up, we see an empty rooftop. But something is not quite right with this scene.


As the action begins, Psyclist calls out that there is a fourth, invisible opponent. Gallowglas goes running into the Rhinestone Cowboy with the Wheel Feat, dropping him to the ground. He grows a bit more. The Bullman cracks the whip on Alphonse.

Gunfight at the Stampede Parade

As the action begins, Psyclist calls out that there is a fourth, invisible opponent. Gallowglas goes running into the Rhinestone Cowboy with the Wheel Feat, dropping him to the ground. He grows a bit more. The Bullman cracks the whip on Alphonse.

The Gunfighters Arrive

A teaser for our next session:

It is parade morning in downtown Calgary. The chuckwagons are setting up, and the crowd is starting to form. A pretty young woman in western gear, with a rifle on her back, gets her pancake breakfast, and then pulls out her phone.

Shysters and Shelterbelts

After the chaos at the fund-raiser concert ended and order was restored, it was very late, and everyone agreed to debrief the next morning.

At the McDougall centre, they meet with ANWPP and ASSI representatives. The ANWPP reports, with considerable regret, that the gang captured at the concert included, unbeknownst to them, a teleporter.

Check Your Hammer At The Door

Mike requests that Psyclist “check him over” telepathically, to see if he can spot whatever the mad scientists did to him. Psyclist scans him, starting shallow and going deeper, looking for anything … odd.

DEADEYE gets a job

The scene is a porch/deck in “cottage country”. A middle aged man is sitting, drinking a beer. He is trim and fit, and has a military bearing. His phone rings. The display shows “Secure Call”. He taps “Accept”, it shows “Connecting …” and then “Secure Connection”.

Post Credit Scene

Still, there is chaos as the crowd flees from the seating area to their cars, and then set off cross-country to the various grid roads around the venue (with utter disregard for the marked lanes, the grasslands or any of the barb-wire fencing). Our final scene is of someone holding their phone in their hand, showing a massive balance in an Etherium wallet. The hand has rather odd fingernails, that look more like a cat’s retractible claws than nails. The phone is slipped into a pocket, and the hand moves to the steering wheel as traffic begins to move again.

The Ethereum Job

At the Top of Twelve, the Diva and Tom-tom got initiative, and held their actions. Then Gallowglas rushed the stage. As soon as she started moving, the Diva let fly with her AE Cone “sonic stunner” tune, catching half of our heroes (and half the VIPs in the audience) with a big STUN-only hit.


Our heroes are in Quarantine at the South Health Campus. The students are in Quarantine at Foothills and the police/fire/EMS responders are in Quarantine at Peter Lougheed Centre. It takes a week for the health authorities to be satisfied that they aren’t contagious, and to be released.

Grand Larceny

Our heroes are in Quarantine at the South Health Campus. The students are in Quarantine at Foothills and the police/fire/EMS responders are in Quarantine at Peter Lougheed Centre. It takes a week for the health authorities to be satisfied that they aren’t contagious, and to be released.

Enter The Gallowglas

For those who were not present, in last nights adventure we:

  • learned that Jazz really, REALLY ought to get a Driver’s License
  • you don’t need to care about the colour of traffic lights when you have a police escort
  • we are introduced to the new Alberta intelligence agency, Alberta Strategic Studies … er, Institute
  • previously an academic think tank focused on commercial oil patch intelligence, now doing intelligence analysis for Gov. of Alberta
  • they know they need to work on their name

Finding Hammer

Protest and Counter-Protest

Mutant Rights -- Protest and Counter-Protest

Protest and Counter-Protest

Terrorism and Teleports

Calgarians are shocked as the various news media report coordinated terror bombings from around the world: